Drum Beats — The New KPI for Companies

4 min readOct 31, 2021

I really don’t understand from the Music Engineering but know something about beats.

A drum beat or drum pattern is a rhythmic pattern, or repeated rhythm establishing the meter and groove through the pulse and subdivision, played on drum kits and other percussion instruments. As such a “beat” consists of multiple drum strokes occurring over multiple musical beats while the term “drum beat”[1] may also refer to a single drum stroke which may occupy more or less time than the current pulse. Many drum beats define or are characteristic of specific music genres. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drum_beat

Creating Atmosphere

Today, when leaders have the same enthusiasm as their teams, they can change business results a lot. They can turn dreams into reality or crises into opportunities. Like ABBA! A sweedish group hit the music lists with English songs all around the world with lovely beats.

Introduce the Topic

With the pandemic last year, I found myself playing songs with the same drum beats with my employees of the e-commerce company I own. We were clamped together and all the employees were locked around one purpose: To live and continue our business during lockdowns.

I had a similar experience in 2011 when I was working at Philip Morris. We had a strategy called 7070 (which was a sales target) and about 100 people working like an orchestra built around that. As a Master of orchestra ulushan ulusman created perfect balance agility , creativity and sustainability.

While working at Mercedes in 2008, we had a regional target called vision 10–10. To achieve 10.000 units / 10% Marketing share in 2010 Employees even produced songs. Yes, real songs.

Start the story

When you go to a concert, you know the drummer kicks off the whole song. Beyond just starting, they have a duty to align everyone and set the pace of music. People who don’t know much about music engineering can be realized how drummers are important for the groups.

As leaders, tuning these drum beats is our biggest responsibility. Sometimes, if we try to go fast as the drummers, while the company employees go at a low tempo, we encounter results that are not enjoyable to listen. Sometimes we can even play slow beats to relax them or to attract attention.

BPWATTS: Business problems we are try to solve

This is exactly the problem I’m having at my e-commerce company right now. The same people who worked so hard last year are not doing their best to sell the tons of disinfectant we have in stock.

I realized that the problem is me. I’ve been so slow in drum beats to sell those sanitizers. On the other hand waiting from them to dance in high beats. Rather than get mad at them, we aligned the drum beats of the whole team. The result was excellent. We out of stock disinfectants that would not be sold in 1 year in 1 week.

Wisdom :

not to Mismatch is more important than being in harmony.

We were working 10 years ago in a Product Development department that had a slow-flowing beat with the intuition melody, my dear ex-manager Sezgin Ezgi, whom I first heard of this term.

However, I know that we work in matched means not slowly or faster from each of us. We accepted each other as a different instrument. The important thing here is to make a beautiful melody together.

Solution :

Top management or the firm’s strategists can put together a great song behind closed doors. They can be very sure that this is true.

If the team is too fast and the strategy is too slow, we can turn into bureaucratic.

If the team is slow, and the strategy is too fast, we can turn into a visitor who hangs out with the glass in his hand and asks what I’m doing here like below picture.

While chatting with Sezgin, I promised to write for this terminology. When I say that I will include it in my monthly articles (which I write on the last day and last hour of each month), I would like to share that we actually agreed to play the same string.


He is no longer my manager. I don’t report to him or guided by him. However, I am writing with pleasure once we had equalized our beats in the orchestra 10 years ago.

Imagine that you keep the same pace as your employees within the company, who knows what results you will achieve..

I would like to finish one of the best musically engineered dancing beat song from #abba




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